I was part of the Argonauts team that, together with Scholz and Friends, designed the new website for the launch of the new eActros 600.
The site was unveiled to the client after the world premiere in October 2023, following the unveiling livestream that took place on the site beforehand.
The project aimed to redesign the existing Mercedes-Benz Trucks site with a more modern look, with small interactions, playful elements and micro-animations.
We created a component library of organisms and modules that were reused throughout the site. At the moment they are only used for the new eActros 600 page, but will soon be rolled out to all MB Trucks pages.
Hey there, this is the default text for a new paragraph. Feel free to edit this paragraph by clicking on the yellow edit icon. After you are done just click on the yellow checkmark button on the top right. Have Fun!
Julian is a pleasure to work with. Not only is he a very skilled digital designer with impeccable attention to detail, creative ideas, and a fast cursor, but more importantly, he is a down-to-earth, nice guy who brings good energy to the team. Thumbs up!
Mercedes-Benz Trucks
Scholz & Friends
Richard Pietsch — CXO Argonauten
Oliver Riedmann — Project Management
Chris Weiher — UX-Design
Piotr Fryze — Lead UI-Design
Julian Knappe-Wunsch — UI-Design
Bastian Herbst — UX-Design
Yaiza Gonzales — UX/UI-Design